Congratulations on purchasing Zero To Pitch, Platinum. Zero To Pitch is designed to help you develop a killer pitch deck, so you have to best chance of getting your company funded.
Some things to keep in mind as you get started on your journey:
- Watch the welcome video at the beginning of the course
- If you haven't developed a business plan, or you want to refresh your business plan, then I highly recommend you go through the Zero to Win modules
- It's okay to go through the modules in Zero to Pitch more than once. In fact, it's highly recommended to do so.
- Set up a schedule to go through the course at the speed you like. For example, maybe put in your calendar a spot to go through Zero to Pitch.
- Make use of the two monthly 1:1 meetings with me you get with Zero to Pitch, Platinum. It's a great way to improve.
- Make use of the 10 minute weekly office hours feature too!
If you have any questions then please reach out. I'm here to help.
The very best regards,