What’s The Best Way To Present Your Product Roadmap?

By Brett Fox | January 22, 2020

One of the CEOs I am working with sent me a panicked email. The company that he was in an acquisition discussion asked him to present his product roadmap. Fortunately, presenting your product roadmap to investors isn’t as scary as it seems. I’ll show you the steps you need to follow in this short video.…

When Should You Share Your Great Startup Ideas With Others?

By Brett Fox | January 15, 2020

You’ve got a great idea for a new startup, and you want to get some feedback. You’re expecting to hear great things, but, instead, the people you share your idea with tell you it will not work, so you give up. Then one year later, you read about someone else that implemented your idea and…

When Should You Give Up On Raising Money?

By Brett Fox | January 14, 2020

“Do you want to give up?” My cofounder, “Randy” asked me. I had just completed my Sunday morning run, and we were talking about what to do after a very well known Sand Hill Road Venture Capital fund had just passed on us at the last minute. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe…

How Do You Get Great Talent To Join Your Unfunded Startup?

By Brett Fox | January 13, 2020

“Let’s meet for coffee,” I said to person I was recruiting. I’d done this a million times before. If I drank any more coffee, I might overdose on caffeine. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Let’s meet for coffee. Let’s meet for lunch. Let’s meet for tea. Let’s…

Why You Should Pay Yourself First As A Startup CEO

By Brett Fox | January 8, 2020

There’s a myth that you shouldn’t pay yourself anything when you’re just starting out as a startup CEO. I’m going to break that myth in this video. In fact, not only is it bad policy not to pay yourself first, it’s dangerous. I’ll explain why in this short video.   Read The Video Transcript Below:…

How Do You Keep Talented Engineers From Quitting?

By Brett Fox | January 7, 2020

“Brett, I wanted to let you know I am going to retire,” Dave said to me. “What? Why!” I said getting my bearings. “You can’t retire! You’re too young to retire.” “I don’t want to retire,” Dave said. “But I’m being pushed out by ‘Ted’.” Dave was a cofounder of Maxim. Our revenue was at…

How Technical Do You Need To Be As A Startup CEO?

By Brett Fox | January 6, 2020

I’ll never forget my cofounder and VP Engineering, “John”, telling me (and I’m paraphrasing here), “I don’t see what value you bring to the company.” I was focused on the marketing, strategy, and building the company. None of that mattered to John because he saw me as someone that wasn’t technical. But where is it…

What Are The 4 Markets Your Startup Should Avoid?

By Brett Fox | January 1, 2020

Not all end markets are created equal. There are some end markets that are downright scary for startups to go after. And there are four end markets that are really tough. I’m not saying you can’t win if you are focused on these end markets, but I am saying that it’s going to be really…

What Are The 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be An Entrepreneur?

By Brett Fox | January 1, 2020

“Hi Brett, it’s Steve. I know it’s been a while since we spoke, but I’d love to catch up with you to bring you up to speed on what we’re doing.” Then the voice message ended. “Well, Steve is persistent,” I said to myself, shaking my head. Steve was an entrepreneur I’d been introduced to…

How Do You Grow Your Business From $1M To $10M?

By Brett Fox | December 25, 2019

Congratulations. You’ve gotten your startup to $1M/Year. Now the challenge is getting from to $10M/Year. The bad news is that you’re going to change a lot of things to get there. In this short video, I’lll walk you through five key areas of your company where you’ll likely have to change things up. I hope…