Do You Really Know The Right Way To Say No?

By Brett Fox | June 29, 2016

Do You Really Know The Right Way To Say No? By Brett Fox “Thanks for taking the time to meet with me today.  I really appreciate it, but I don’t see a fit for you in our organization,” the CEO said to me. The CEO’s tone was firm and even pleasant.  He certainly wasn’t being…

How To Crush Your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals

By Brett Fox | May 24, 2016

I walked up to the white board and in huge capital letters I wrote: IGNORE PHYSICS! We were starting the first step of defining our next generation process technology, and I wanted to set the proper tone to the engineers in the room. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.]…

Can Your Startup Survive A One-Customer Market?

By Brett Fox | April 23, 2016

Can Your Startup Survive A One Customer Market By Brett Fox at I’ve loved the Chicago Cubs since I was a little boy growing up in the northern suburbs of Chicago.   The problem is they have broken my heart many, many times. I watched my Grandfather pass away without the Cubs winning a World…

The Second Way Complaining Customers Help Businesses Stay Ahead

By Brett Fox | March 29, 2016

The Second Way Complaining Customers Help Businesses Stay Ahead By Brett Fox at Shit! The check engine light just came on my car. And that means I’m going to have to drop a thousand bucks to get it fixed. “Well, at least it isn’t blinking red,” I thought. A blinking red light is the…

Why Saying “No” Might Be The Key To Growing Your Business

By Brett Fox | March 15, 2016

Why Saying “No” Might Be The Key To Growing Your Business By Brett Fox We were in a meeting with an outside business consultant. I was bored stiff and I just want the meeting to end. Then, the consultant asked a question to our sales managers. The question was, “Who are your customers?” Ken, one…

What’s The One Marketing Mistake You Can’t Afford To Make?

By Brett Fox | March 8, 2016

What’s The One Marketing Mistake You Can’t Afford To Make? By Brett Fox at You are starting a company, and you have a great idea. You build a great engineering team to execute the idea. All you need to do now is sell the product. “It’ll be easy,” you say to yourself. It won’t…

What Are The Six Traits Of Great Co-Founders?

By Brett Fox | March 2, 2016

What Are The Six Traits Of Great Co-Founders? By Brett Fox   I had known and worked with one of my co-founders for over twenty years. Two of my co-founders came through recommendations of other co-founders. Another co-founder and I worked together and had known each other for about nine years. The one thing all…

What Are The Five Keys To Using Goals The Right Way?

By Brett Fox | February 17, 2016

What Are The Five Keys To Using Goals The Right Way? By Brett Fox at Where have we all seen this movie before? You hire someone, or better yet, you promote someone to a senior position. Let’s say you just promoted someone to become COO. That’s the end of the story, right? Just set…

What’s The Right Way To Ask For A Promotion?

By Brett Fox | February 2, 2016

What’s The Right Way To Ask For A Promotion? By Brett Fox “Move up to Oregon, prove you can recruit engineers, and then we can talk about promoting you,” the CEO told me. This was not how it was supposed to go. “Promote me first, so you have skin in the game,” I responded. That…

How To Focus Your Business So You Win

By Brett Fox | January 20, 2016

How To Focus Your Business So You Will Win By Brett Fox at “I don’t care about how many new customers you added this month! Why isn’t revenue going up?” One board member asked me during a board of directors meeting. The company was adding customers at a fast pace, but revenue was not…