How Do CEOs Fire Someone Without Any Consequences?

By Brett Fox | March 13, 2017

How Do CEOs Fire Someone Without Any Consequences? By Brett Fox There are always consequences when fire someone. Even in California, where employment is “at will.” Years ago, I was running a division of a company. Every Friday the company had an operations meeting that included senior management. The meeting always started at 1PM sharp…

What Are A CEO’s Top Priorities?

By Brett Fox | March 13, 2017

What Are A CEO’s Top Priorities? By Brett Fox The first CEO job I ever interviewed for, the recruiter said to me, “As CEO you recruit, recruit, recruit, and you sell, sell, sell.” I didn’t get the job. Then, I started my own company and became CEO. And what did I do? Recruit, recruit, recruit,…

What Is It Like To Be The Non-Technical CEO Of A Tech Startup?

By Brett Fox | March 5, 2017

What Is It Like To Be The Non-Technical CEO Of A Tech Startup? By Brett Fox I was the non-technical founder you are talking about. I have a BSEE, but I hadn’t designed the products we were developing (Integrated Circuits) in years. I needed to find what you need to find: A great VP Engineering/CTO.…

How Much Money Do I Need To Start A Business?

By Brett Fox | March 5, 2017

How Much Money Do I Need To Start A Business? By Brett Fox I’ve seen the same mistake repeated over and over again by CEOs and business owners. The mistake blows me away each time I see it. What is that mistake? The CEO doesn’t have a plan for the business. And, if you’re going…

How Did You Get Your First Big Break As An Entrepreneur?

By Brett Fox | February 26, 2017

How Did You Get Your First Big Break As An Entrepreneur? By Brett Fox “Brett, come with me and take your stuff with you,” the VP of HR said to me. We were in the middle of the company’s weekly operations meeting. The minute the VP of HR asked me to take my stuff I…

What Qualities Make A Good Startup Engineer?

By Brett Fox | February 26, 2017

What Qualities Make A Good Startup Engineer? By Brett Fox “What do you think of Kevin?” Our VP Engineering asked me. “I like him. He’s clearly strong technically, and his experience is spot-on. I think he will fit our culture too. “The one concern I have is he’s been jumping from job to job every…

What Is The Best Way To Deal With A Popular Employee That Is Underperforming?

By Brett Fox | February 18, 2017

What Is The Best Way To Deal With A Popular Employee That Is Underperforming? By Brett Fox I had a cofounder that was very similar to the description of your employee. Everybody loved “Ken”. He was funny, got along with everyone, fit our company culture, and was a positive influence inside the company. There was…

What Are The Most Important Things To Keep In Mind When Scaling Your Startup?

By Brett Fox | February 18, 2017

“We’re in the first stage of a three stage fab expansion,” “Bob”, the CEO, proudly told me. It was December 2000, and I was being recruited to run the Communication’s Division of Bob’s company. The economic bubble was bursting already, yet here was this CEO boldly proclaiming his company was expanding. “Do you really think…

What Are Some Common Mistakes Founders Make When Pitching To Investors?

By Brett Fox | February 14, 2017

About three years ago I sat through a bunch of pitches with a VC fund I was helping. It was amazing watching every one of the companies presenting make the same mistakes. Here they are:   A. You have to get to the point fast.   You’ve got seven seconds to make an impression. Seven…

Why Do So Many Entrepreneurs Think Their Ideas Are Worth Billions?

By Brett Fox | February 14, 2017

Why Do So Many Entrepreneurs Think Their Ideas Are Worth Billions? By Brett Fox When I started my company, I believed we were going to win. There was no doubt in my mind. When 63 VCs passed on us, and there was only one VC left as a possible investor, I believed we were going…