What Are The Pros And Cons Of Working With Your Friends?

By Brett Fox | August 6, 2018

One of my closest friends was a cofounder of my company. Another friend was a cofounder of the company too. And he recommended we bring on another friend as a founder. The only person who wasn’t a friend before we started was our VP Engineering.   You have to be prepared to lose your friendship…

How Do You Manage Meetings Well?

By Brett Fox | August 1, 2018

How Do You Manage Meetings Well? By Brett Fox Have you ever been to a meeting with 15 people and only two people are contributing?  I have, and, when you think about about all the money wasted it’s maddening. There’s a better way, and I’ll teach you how you can make all your meetings productive…

What Can You Do (Besides Money) To Attract Top Talent?

By Brett Fox | July 29, 2018

I was talking with the CEO of a company I am working with. “Jacob’s” company is growing at leaps and bounds, so our discussion centered around attracting top talent. Jacob asked me, “Should I have to pay at the top of the pay scale to get the best people, or is that a red flag?”…

What Are Early Warning Signs That You Need To Fire An Executive?

By Brett Fox | July 29, 2018

I was really excited when “Tom” joined us as VP of Sales. Tom had come highly recommended from two of our board members that had previously worked with Tom. The rest of the board met with Tom and they were all enthusiastically thumbs up. I couldn’t wait for Tom to join us. Tom came into…

What Are Three Skills You Need To Be A Great Leader?

By Brett Fox | July 25, 2018

What Are The Three Skills You Need To Be A Great Leader? By Brett Fox Leadership is surprisingly easy when you use the right skills. What are these skills? I’ll reveal these leadership skills in this short video.   Watch the video above or read the transcript below:   Do you need to be a…

How You Can Get An Investment Based Only On An Idea?

By Brett Fox | July 24, 2018

Yes, VCs do invest in ideas, but it’s really, really, really hard to get an investment based on an idea. And I think it’s getting harder now then when I did it. Having said that, I am working with an entrepreneur that raised VC funding this year based on an idea. How did he do…

How Do You Compete Against $1B Companies?

By Brett Fox | July 23, 2018

I celebrated my birthday two months after I started working at Maxim. My boss, Ziya Boyacigiller, took me out to lunch. I can’t remember where we went to lunch, but it was probably sushi since Ziya and I liked sushi. However, I do remember the book Ziya gave me for my birthday. The book was…

How To Get Your Message Across Before You Lose Your Audience

By Brett Fox | July 17, 2018

How To Get Your Message Across Before You Lose Your Audience By Brett Fox It doesn’t matter whether you are raising money, recruiting a new employee, or talking to customers, getting your message across fast is critical. I’ll explain exactly how you can master this important skill in this short video.   Read the video…

How Quickly Do You Know You’ve Hired The Wrong Executive?

By Brett Fox | July 15, 2018

How Quickly Do You Know You’ve Hired The Wrong Executive? By Brett Fox “I’m playing hurt, Brett,” Our VP Sales, “Tom”, said to me. Tom had just joined the company the week before, and now he was telling me that he couldn’t travel because of a knee injury that had bothering him for months. “Why…

What Will Surprise You Most About Being CEO?

By Brett Fox | July 15, 2018

“Are you having fun?” Bob, our one and only angel investor asked me after we got funded. “I’m having the time of my life,” I told Bob. And it was true. I was having the time of my life. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] I had been…