What Do You Need To Do Before You Pitch VCs?
What Do You Need To Do Before You Pitch VCs? By Brett Fox Raising money is really, really hard. And giving yourself the best chance of success is all about your preparation. I’ll give you my simple checklist of things you need ready before you start setting up meetings in this short video. Do…
Why You Should Validate All Your Product Ideas
Years ago, I was running the communications division of Maxim Integrated Products. We were the dominant player in what were known as single supply RS-232 transceivers with over 80% market share. We had built the business up to over $100M/year in revenue, and our success was attracting a lot of attention. We had 14 direct…
How Do You Deal With A Bad Cofounder?
How Do Yo Deal With A Bad Cofounder? By Brett Fox Over 50% of founder relationships do not work out. So is it any surprise that you find yourself in this situation? I’ll walk you through a quick and effective methodology for dealing with a bad cofounder in this short video. Do You Want…
What Traits Should You Look For In The Engineers You Hire?
About one month after our company went operational, we decided to have an open house. The idea was my cofounders and I would ask our friends to stop by and check out our office. Hopefully, we could convince some of them to join us. Jeroen, our VP Engineering, much to my surprise invited Greg and…
How Important Is It To Patent Your Intellectual Property?
“They own the fundamental patents on how to make an integrated circuit. We’re not going to sue them,” Dave Fullagar, Maxim Integrated Products co-founder and VP Engineering, said to me. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Dave was explaining to me the facts of life. I was a running…
How Do You Successfully Deal With The Tough Times?
How Do You Successfully Deal With The Tough Times? By Brett Fox You can be guaranteed the tough times are coming, And when the tough times get here, you will be tested like you’ve never been tested before. I’ll give you my strategy for how to deal with the tough times when they come in…
How Do You Price Your Product?
How Do You Price Your Product? By Brett Fox Figuring out the right price for your product is part art and part science. I’ll give you my take on a simple way to determine the right price for your product in this short video. Do You Want To Grow Your Business? Maybe I Can…
How Can You Start A Company Without A Network
How Can You Start A Company Without A Network? By Brett Fox Years ago after I had worked at one company for over ten years, I decided it was time for me to move on. The money was great, but I wasn’t growing anymore. I had hit the ceiling of what I could accomplish. I…
The Smart Way You Should Manage HR
The Smart Way You Should Manage HR By Brett Fox Of all the functions you are likely to overlook as you build your company, HR has to be at the top of the list. However, HR can be a huge difference maker if you get it right. No, I’m not suggesting you hire an HR…
How Do You Get Big Customers To Buy From Your Tiny Startup?
There are some meetings you never forget, and this meeting with a very well known VC fund was one of them. We were just starting to raise our Series B funding, and, the fund we were meeting with had the CEO of a former portfolio company sit in on the meeting. The meeting was going…