How Should You Manage Your Remote Team?

By Brett Fox | March 19, 2024

I was talking with “Vikram”, a CEO I’ve been working with, the other day. Vikram commutes between the US and Bangalore, spending three months in the US, and then three months in India. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] When we spoke, Vikram had just spent time with…

What Are Five Decisions You Need To Make Before Raising Money?

By Brett Fox | March 18, 2024

“I don’t think we should raise $11 million,” my co-founder, “John”, said to me. “We will give up control of the company! We should only raise $6 million.” “John, we’re going to have to raise the $11 million and probably more. Getting the $11 million gives us more runway,” I said. “Let’s get the money…

How You Can Avoid Nine Startup Sales Killers

By Brett Fox | March 12, 2024

“It’s too early to hire a VP of Sales!” The VC said to me. “You should be doing the selling!” Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. “I hear where you’re coming from,” I said. “And believe me, I will be selling.” “‘Ken’s’ been part of the company since…

How Do You Know It’s Time To Fire Someone?

By Brett Fox | March 11, 2024

By Brett Fox at “See that property over there? Steve Jobs owns it. That’s going to stay in his family for a long time,” Bill, Venture Capitalist, said to me. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. I was being interviewed by Bill at his home in Woodside.…

7 Tips For Pitching Your Company To Anyone

By Brett Fox | March 4, 2024

I’ll never forget how nervous I was before my presenting to a VC for the first time. I was an EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence) at a VC fund based in San Francisco, and we were going to give a dry-run presentation to Dave and Alain, the two VC partners I was working with. [Do you…

What You Need To Know About Reference Checks

By Brett Fox | February 27, 2024

I curled up on my bed in a fetal ball, sobbing. I kept repeating to myself: “What have I done?” “What have I done?” “What have I done?” Why was I crying? [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] We had been raising money for over eighteen months at…

How Quickly Should Your Business Get To Cash Flow Positive?

By Brett Fox | February 26, 2024

“I hate high margin businesses,” “Donald”, the billionaire VC head of Donald Ventures, said to me. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. I ignored him, and continued on with my pitch knowing he would never fund us. I mean, after all, how do you respond to an idiotic…

Are You Being Appropriately Frugal And Why It’s So Important?

By Brett Fox | February 20, 2024

“I’ve founded three startups, and I’ve never had one that was profitable,” a friend of mine was telling me. You’d think he was a failure based on that statement. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Not exactly. He sold his last company for $300 million. But my friend…

The Real Truth About Managing Remote Teams

By Brett Fox | February 12, 2024

My daughter Avery had an assignment in her first grade class. She was supposed to see if she could send a paper turtle to every continent in the world. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] The first challenge what was Avery going to name her nomadic turtle? Avery…

Five Reasons Why You Should Avoid Raising Venture Capital

By Brett Fox | February 11, 2024

Many entrepreneurs don’t understand the cruel reality of fundraising. Just because you want to raise venture capital doesn’t mean you will raise venture capital. Consider this ratio: 100:1. That’s one investment for every one hundred face to face meetings a typical VC will take. Raising money is unbelievably hard. [Do you want to grow your…