What Makes Your Startup Worth $100M?

By Brett Fox | December 23, 2019

“Can you believe they just got bought for $300M!” Jeroen, my cofounder and VP Engineering said to me. Jeroen, who was usually pretty mild mannered, was a little pissed off. Before I could answer, Jeroen continued with his rant. “They haven’t even announced a product yet, and they have no revenue! It makes no sense.”…

How You Know Have What It Takes To Be A Successful CEO

By Brett Fox | December 18, 2019

In working with CEOs over the past several years, I’ve observed what separates the great CEOs from the merely good or bad CEOs. It comes down to four key traits these CEOs have that the others don’t. Watch this short video to get my take on what the great CEOs do. Plus watch till the…

How Do You Pitch to Customers In One Slide?

By Brett Fox | December 11, 2019

Someone recently asked me a really good question, “What’s the difference between pitching investors and pitching customers?” He had just read my really popular post titled, “How To Successfully Pitch Your Business In One Slide?” In this short video, I’ll explain exactly how you should pitch customers compared to pitching investors. Read The Video Transcript…

How Much Equity Should You Give Your First Engineers?

By Brett Fox | December 4, 2019

If you want to build a great engineering team, then you have to get your equity grants right. And, you’ll blow it if you don’t this right. The good news is there are some rules you can follow to help you make good decisions about splitting your equity. I’ll explain how in this short video.…

How Do You Become The 1% That Gets Funded?

By Brett Fox | December 3, 2019

“How many crappy startups are there?” I asked Dave and Alain, two partners at the VC fund where I was an EIR. We had just sat through another pitch from a hopelessly lost CEO. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] “Too many,” Dave said and we all laughed.…

Here’s Why Your Great Startup Idea Is Worthless

By Brett Fox | December 2, 2019

“So, what do you think?” the investor asked me. “I’m really impressed with the technology,” I said. “I think I might invest.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] The investor smiled and we shook hands. Then I left. I went home, and I thought about the company some…

How Hiring Inexperienced People Can Help Your Team

By Brett Fox | November 27, 2019

There’s an old adage that, “You should never hire someone without experience” for your startup. The problem with this adage, like many adages, is its wrong! I’ll explain how hiring inexperienced people for your team can be a force multiplier in this short video.   Read The Transcript Below:   Okay, so why should you…

How Do You Raise Your Next Round Of Funding?

By Brett Fox | November 20, 2019

Raising your next round of funding is not a given. Each round of funding presents its own set of challenges. In today’s short video, I’ll share with you my tips for raising your next round of funding. Make sure to watch all the way till the end for my last tip; It was the difference…

The Real Reason Your Team Need You To Be Transparent

By Brett Fox | November 18, 2019

“You’re a mushroom manager,” Peter, one of my peers, said to me years ago. “What’s a mushroom manager?” “You feed people shit and you expect something to grow,” Peter said. Then he stormed out of my office. I had to hold in my laughter. But Peter was right. Back in my younger days I was…

Why You Shouldn’t Tell Investors You’re The Next Uber

By Brett Fox | November 13, 2019

I know. It’s oh so tempting to tell potential investors that your company is the next Uber because, after all, who wouldn’t want to be an investor in Uber. It feels good rolling of your tongue, doesn’t it? The only problem is telling an investor your company is the next Uber or the next Facebook…