Why Isn’t Your Great Product Selling?

By Brett Fox | October 16, 2019

You just released what you thought was a killer product to market. Then what happens after you launch the product is nothing. Your killer product isn’t selling, and you can’t figure out why that is. I’ve been where you’ve been, and help you analyze what’s likely wrong and what you should do about it in…

What Do You Do When Your Product Launch Isn’t Going Well?

By Brett Fox | October 9, 2019

I’ve been involved in hundreds of product launches in my career. Unfortunately, not everything is going to go right when you launch your product or service. The question is should you sit back and do nothing or should you take action? I’ll walk you through the steps we took on recent product launch that I…

Why Your Technical Cofounder Can’t Be Fired

By Brett Fox | October 8, 2019

“Why is Bob with the company?” I asked myself. “He just seems to sit in the corner doing nothing.” Bob was the founder of the startup I had just joined as VP Marketing. Bob was no longer the CEO, but, for some strange reason, he was still with the company, doing what looked to be…

What’s The Right Way You Should Look For Office Space?

By Brett Fox | October 7, 2019

“This place sucks,” I said to Randy, my cofounder. “All the cubicles are scrunched up against each other. The lighting is dismal. I would just be miserable here.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Randy nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. Then he laughed…

What’s The Worst Thing You Can Hear When You’re Raising Money?

By Brett Fox | October 2, 2019

You will quickly find that raising money is a numbers game.  You have to knock on a lot of doors if you’re going to raise your funding.   You’re going to hear lots of things from the investors you meet.  But there’s one thing you may hear that’s probably the worst thing you can ever…

What’s The One Thing No One Tells You About Selling Your Company?

By Brett Fox | September 25, 2019

You’ve just received a great offer to buy your company. Congratulations! You’re about to make a ton of money if you accept the offer. That’s fantastic. But there’s one thing you should understand before you close the deal. Watch this short video so you know what to expect.   Read The Video Transcript Below:  …

What Crazy Things Can Derail Your MVP?

By Brett Fox | September 18, 2019

…If you’re not careful There are the obvious things like your team and execution that you should absolutely focus on when you are developing your MVP. But are there some non-obvious things you should focus on too? [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] I’ll tell you the story…

Why It’s Okay To Start Your Company During A Recession

By Brett Fox | September 17, 2019

It was surreal when we were raising money at the height of the Great Recession. Sand Hill Road was essentially closed for business for early stage startups for close to one year. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] I didn’t plan to raise money at the worst time…

How You Can Hire 10X Engineers For Your Startup

By Brett Fox | September 16, 2019

“I think Greg is going to join us, “ I said to my cofounder and VP Engineering Jeroen. “That would be a huge coup for us.” Jeroen smiled and nodded his head. Then he said, “I know it would be great if Greg joined us.” Then he paused and asked me, “But can we afford…

What Are The 2 Likeliest Mistakes You’ll Make Starting Your Company?

By Brett Fox | September 11, 2019

I’ve been coaching startup CEOs for several years now. There are two mistakes I see startup CEOs make time and time again. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] The sad thing is these mistakes are entirely preventable. I’ll explain what these mistakes are and how you can prevent…