How Hiring Inexperienced People Can Help Your Team

By Brett Fox | November 27, 2019

There’s an old adage that, “You should never hire someone without experience” for your startup. The problem with this adage, like many adages, is its wrong! I’ll explain how hiring inexperienced people for your team can be a force multiplier in this short video.   Read The Transcript Below:   Okay, so why should you…

Why You Always Should Focus On Cutting Costs

By Brett Fox | November 26, 2019

…Regardless Of How Profitable Your Company Is There it was in my in basket. A memo from Jack Gifford, the CEO of Maxim Integrated Products, with the title, “Use of office supplies.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] The memo went something like this: “To: All Maxim Employees…

How Do You Raise Your Next Round Of Funding?

By Brett Fox | November 20, 2019

Raising your next round of funding is not a given. Each round of funding presents its own set of challenges. In today’s short video, I’ll share with you my tips for raising your next round of funding. Make sure to watch all the way till the end for my last tip; It was the difference…

The Real Reason Your Team Need You To Be Transparent

By Brett Fox | November 18, 2019

“You’re a mushroom manager,” Peter, one of my peers, said to me years ago. “What’s a mushroom manager?” “You feed people shit and you expect something to grow,” Peter said. Then he stormed out of my office. I had to hold in my laughter. But Peter was right. Back in my younger days I was…

Why You Shouldn’t Tell Investors You’re The Next Uber

By Brett Fox | November 13, 2019

I know. It’s oh so tempting to tell potential investors that your company is the next Uber because, after all, who wouldn’t want to be an investor in Uber. It feels good rolling of your tongue, doesn’t it? The only problem is telling an investor your company is the next Uber or the next Facebook…

How Do You Prepare For VC Technical Diligence?

By Brett Fox | November 12, 2019

“Let’s look this guy up,” I said to Jeroen, my cofounder and VP Engineering, about the expert the VC firm was using to do technical diligence on us. I then did a search on LinkedIn and found “Peter’s” resume. “Well, there’s good news and bad news,” I said to Jeroen. “What’s the good news?” Jeroen…

How Do You Start A Business With No Money?

By Brett Fox | November 11, 2019

“How am I going to raise $2M,” “Casey” asked me. “I don’t know anyone who can give me that money.” “You know more people than you think,” I said. “I’ve been down this road a few times, and the other entrepreneurs I worked with who said the same thing you did found a way. And…

What Are The Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Hire Someone?

By Brett Fox | November 6, 2019

You likely have some sort of criteria for the people you hire. So you should have a criteria for not hiring people too. The surprising thing I’ve learned is that a lot of CEOs don’t have a criteria for not hiring people. You don’t want to be one of those people. In this short video,…

When’s The Best Time For You To Raise Money?

By Brett Fox | October 30, 2019

Nothing is more painful for me to watch then a CEO that has waited too long to raise funded.  It’s a self inflicted wound that you can easily avoid.  Yet I see this happen over and over again. I’ve raised over $100M, so I do have a little bit of experience in this area.  I’ll…

How Do You Recruit Senior People To Your Tiny Startup?

By Brett Fox | October 23, 2019

Recruiting top talent to your startup is tough, especially if you’re trying to recruit people from large companies like Facebook. You’re not going to be able to overpay to get them. After all, they’re already likely making a lot of money. So what can you do to give yourself a fighting chance? I’ll go over…