How Do You Deal With The Stress Of Being CEO?

By Brett Fox | March 30, 2020

“I think we should sell the company,” “Raul,” one of our investors said to me. Raul’s demand came out of nowhere. We were doing well. Revenue was growing at a healthy clip, and we had just received a term sheet from a new investor to lead our next round of funding. [Do you want to…

How Tough Is It To Get Funded After COVID 19?

By Brett Fox | March 25, 2020

How hard will it be for you to raise money in the aftermath of COVID-19? No one knows for sure. But I have a pretty good idea because I raised $12M during the Great Recession. I’ll give you my thoughts on how the funding environment is likely to change, whether it makes sense to continue…

What Are The Positions You Shouldn’t Hire Early On?

By Brett Fox | March 24, 2020

“Great IC design engineers are the toughest thing to find,” I said to Dave. “And to hire great design engineers, we need a world class VP Engineering because great designers will only work for a great VP Engineering.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Dave nodded his head…

Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Raise Your Funding…

By Brett Fox | March 18, 2020

Despite the crazy times we are living in right now Coronavirus (Covid-19) has thrown everything for a loop. The fundraising environment and economic environment reminds me of when I was raising money during the Great Recession. There’s a lot uncertainty, just like during the Great Recession. And there’s a lot of fear, just like during…

The 11 Steps You Need To Take To Deal With Coronavirus

By Brett Fox | March 16, 2020

“Brett, what does it mean?  We have to shelter in place starting at midnight according to the mayor.”  Blossom said to me.  “Maybe ‘Jane’ (a friend of ours) isn’t that crazy after all.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Jane’s been in a panic because of the Coronavirus. …

How You Can Keep Your Family And Be A Success

By Brett Fox | March 11, 2020

Supposedly, in order to be a successful startup CEO, “they” tell you that you have to give up everything, including your family, and be 100% devoted to your startup. I am here to tell you that “they” are wrong. And who are “they” anyways? But that’s a different story. Yes, you do need to make…

What Should You Never Ask Your Employees To Do?

By Brett Fox | March 9, 2020

“Brett, you should fly to the UK in Business Class,” Tina, our Controller, urged me. “You need to be fresh when you get there.” “Man, it’s tempting, but that’s not something I think I should do…” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] “Brett, you’re the CEO,” Tina said.…

The One Surefire Way To Make Your Pitch Standout

By Brett Fox | March 4, 2020

There’s a lot of well-meaning information out there about how to craft a great pitch deck. A lot of the information is good, and some of the information falls short. But there’s one thing I haven’t seen addressed. Yet, this one piece of advice could be the difference between success and failure when you’re pitching.…

What’s The One Thing You Shouldn’t Put In Your Pitch Deck?

By Brett Fox | March 2, 2020

I have a lot of pet peeves regarding pitch decks. For example, it drives me crazy when I see founders waste money hiring designers to help them pretty up their decks. What a waste of money. All you need is white background, your company name and logo in the footer of the deck and you’re…

Why Recessions Are Great For Your Startup?

By Brett Fox | February 26, 2020

Contrary to popular opinion, a recession isn’t something to fear as a startup CEO. In fact, a recession can be a startup CEO’s best friend. I’ll explain what you can do to take advantage of bad economic conditions like a recession in this short video. Read The Video Transcript Below:   Is starting your company…