Why You Should Offer Your Team Unlimited Time Off

By Brett Fox | April 16, 2024

One of the smartest things we ever did was offer our employees unlimited vacation. I know it sounds crazy for startups to tell their employees they can take as much time off as they want, but it’s really not crazy at all. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.…

How Do You Really Feel As A Startup CEO?

By Brett Fox | April 15, 2024

I’d love to sit here telling you that being a CEO was great, and it was great. Truly, truly great. However, I’d be lying if I told you there was only one feeling I had being CEO. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] There were times I felt…

The Simple Strategy For Reducing Your Founder Problems

By Brett Fox | April 9, 2024

One of the really sad things I’ve seen as a founder, and now working with other founders, is how often founders don’t take their responsibilities as founders seriously. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] You are literally putting your career and life in the hands of your fellow…

What Are The 11 Biggest Myths About Being A CEO?

By Brett Fox | April 8, 2024

Blossom, Avery, and I were at dinner at Nobu in Palo Alto. I looked over at the table next to us and who’s there but Marc Andreessen and his wife. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] No one was paying attention to them, and no one asked Marc for…

How Do You Extend Your Runway Before Raising Money?

By Brett Fox | April 2, 2024

I was talking with one of my 1:1 coaching clients today.  Two weeks ago, “Sam’s” company was ramping demand and preparing to raise their next round of funding. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Sam told me today that every customer meeting he had was canceled because of…

Can You Ever Lie To Your Investors?

By Brett Fox | April 1, 2024

“Brett, I want to share with you what the CEO of ‘Company X’ (a well known public company) said at the investor conference I went to,” Jack Gifford, Maxim Integrated Products CEO, said to me. Then he barked at me, “Take some notes.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I  can help. Click here.]…

What Are The 5 Rules You Need To Divide Founder Equity?

By Brett Fox | March 26, 2024

“How much equity do you think I should give “Frank?”” That was the question “Sam”, the co-founder of a company that I’m working with asked me last week. He was considering bringing Frank on as a late co-founder to the company. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] “I’ve…

How Do You Compensate A Part Time Co-Founder?

By Brett Fox | March 25, 2024

“You should stay at your job until we get funded,” I said to Jeroen. It was September 2008 and Jeroen had just agreed to be our co-founder and VP Engineering. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] The economy was sinking like a stone and venture capital funding appeared…

How Should You Manage Your Remote Team?

By Brett Fox | March 19, 2024

I was talking with “Vikram”, a CEO I’ve been working with, the other day. Vikram commutes between the US and Bangalore, spending three months in the US, and then three months in India. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] When we spoke, Vikram had just spent time with…

What Are Five Decisions You Need To Make Before Raising Money?

By Brett Fox | March 18, 2024

“I don’t think we should raise $11 million,” my co-founder, “John”, said to me. “We will give up control of the company! We should only raise $6 million.” “John, we’re going to have to raise the $11 million and probably more. Getting the $11 million gives us more runway,” I said. “Let’s get the money…