How Should You Start Your Company As A Solo Founder?

By Brett Fox | September 14, 2020

“Do you remember when we first met?” I said to “Ray,” the solo founder and CEO of a startup that I’ve been advising for over three years. “Yes,” Ray said. It was in that park where we went for a walk where we saw all those deer.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe…

What Is The Most Direct Reports You Should Have?

By Brett Fox | September 9, 2020

As your startup grows, understanding your span of control is critical if you’re going to be successful. In other words, having too many direct reports can severely damage your company. But the question is how many direct reports is too many direct reports? I’ll give you my take in this short video.   Read The…

When Should You Hire Your First VP Sales?

By Brett Fox | September 8, 2020

The first person I thought of when I started my company was “Ken.” Ken and I had known each other for years. We’d worked together for years too. Ken was, by a long shot, the best sales executive I’d ever worked with. Ken ran Asia sales for Maxim, and I loved working with him. I…

When Should Your Startup Emerge From Stealth Mode?

By Brett Fox | September 7, 2020

“That seems like a real waste of money,” I said to Adolfo. We had just closed our initial funding of $12 million, and my co-founder and VP Marketing had just suggested that we publicize it. In other words, Adolfo was suggesting we come out of stealth mode. “Why?” Adolfo asked. “It seems to me that…

How Can You Tell If You’re A True Leader?

By Brett Fox | September 2, 2020

Leadership is a tricky thing. You can have your team following you, and then you can lose them, forever, in an instant. In this short video, I’ll explain the one thing you’ll need to do if you want your team to follow you. I hope you like it. Read The Video Transcript Below:   It’s…

What Skills Are You Lacking As A Startup CEO?

By Brett Fox | September 1, 2020

“I know more about building a company than you do,” “John,” my co-founder and VP Engineering said to me. Those were the last words John ever said to me. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] John was, and probably still is, a brilliant engineer. When I successfully recruited…

How Hard Is It To Find Your Investors?

By Brett Fox | August 31, 2020

“Congratulations,” I said to “Ray,” I CEO I have been working with. “Getting funding in three weeks is quite an accomplishment.” “Thank you,” Ray responded. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] “Especially, after what you’d been through in your first two rounds of funding, you deserve a little bit…

How Do You Instantly Get Your Audience’s Attention?

By Brett Fox | August 26, 2020

You’re about to present to your audience, and there’s a lot riding on the success of your presentation. Maybe you’re trying to raise money, or maybe you’re trying to present to a potential new customer. Whatever the situation may be, the challenge is the same. You have an incredibly short time, maybe seven seconds, to…

The Easiest Presentation Hack You Can Learn From Steve Jobs

By Brett Fox | August 18, 2020

Watch any Steve Jobs presentation, and you’ll likely come away impressed. You’ll wonder, “Can I make my presentations half as good as Jobs’?” In this short video, I’m going to teach a simple Steve Jobs presentation hack that anybody can implement. The good news is this hack will significantly improve your presentations too. I hope…

How Do You Keep Yourself From Getting Stuck?

By Brett Fox | August 18, 2020

I’ve been doing a lot of research on Steve Jobs lately. Did you know that he used to practice his Macworld and product launch presentations around 200 times before the big event? [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Watch any Jobs presentation and you’ll notice how smooth and effortless…