How You Can Prevent Co-Founder Issues Before They Start?

By Brett Fox | November 18, 2020

Co-founder issues are the most likely reason your startup will fail. Over 50% of the companies I work with have co-founder issues. So , wouldn’t it be nice if there was action startup founder advice that could identify and fix your startup founder issues before they have happen? This video is the first in a…

Your Investors Don’t Want To Fire You

By Brett Fox | November 11, 2020

I know you may not want to believe it, but your investors don’t want to fire you, so they can replace you with another CEO. Really. It’s true. I’ll explain why it is absolutely in your investors best interest to support you in this short video. I hope you like it.   Read The Video…

How You Should Think About Employee Compensation

By Brett Fox | November 9, 2020

“Hi Brett, it’s Carlos. Uh…” “What’s the issue, Carlos?” I asked our HR VP. “You know the salary you wanted to pay your new engineer, Fred? “Bob” (the CEO) wants to reduce it by $20,000.” Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. “You’ve gotta be kidding,” I said. “I…

How Do You Prevent Employee Burnout?

By Brett Fox | November 4, 2020

You’re building your startup, so everyone is expected to work crazy hours, seven days a week, right? Wrong. If you’re not careful with you how you manage your team, you run the risk of burning out your team. In this short video, I’ll teach you how you can avoid this problem. I hope you like…

What Can’t You Screw Up When You’re Just Starting Out?

By Brett Fox | November 3, 2020

“You should give us the authority to spend up to $1,000,” “Randy,” one of my co-founders, said to me at a staff meeting right after we received our initial funding. Then he continued, “And we should each have a company credit card.” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.]…

What Should You Never Do When You Start A Business?

By Brett Fox | November 2, 2020

My wife and I were going through old videos the other day, and we stumbled upon this video of Avery’s fourth birthday party at our house. I invited Nancy and her son Ethan to the party. Nancy used to work for me a couple years before that. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe…

Why Isn’t Your Revenue Growing If Your Leads Are Growing?

By Brett Fox | October 28, 2020

Read The Video Transcript Below:   Do You Want To Grow Your Business?  Maybe I Can Help.  Click Here.

How Much Value Added Should You Expect From Investors?

By Brett Fox | October 26, 2020

“Change depends upon unreasonable people.” “Brutal honesty trumps hypocritical politeness.” “We help the daring build legendary companies.” “Partnering with ambitious early-stage founders building category-defining companies.” “We help entrepreneurs build market leaders.” Do you know what these phrases are? We’ll get back to that later. When I first saw these phrases, and others like them, I…

How Important Is Your Experience?

By Brett Fox | October 21, 2020

Does you experience really matter when you’re building a startup? After all, Mark Zuckerberg had no experience, and look at Facebook. So, you should be able to start a company without any experience and replicate Zuckerberg’s success, right? Well, the reality is it might not be that simple. I’ll explain why in this short video.…

What Do Investors Need To Invest In Your Startup?

By Brett Fox | October 14, 2020

The one thing that can absolutely, positively kill your startup is a lack of alignment between you and your investors. So, it’s kind of important to know what your investors want. In this short video, I’ll explain two key parts of what investors need if they will invest in your company: a minimum percentage ownership,…