What Are The 12 Killer Mistakes You Can’t Make, Part 1

By Brett Fox | January 27, 2021

As the old VC saying goes, “If you’re a first time CEO, you’re going to make mistakes.”  And, while I agree with that sentiment, I’d really like to help you avoid making as many mistakes, especially the ones of the killer variety. That’s what today’s video is all about.  It’s based on my experience making…

What Makes A Great Startup CEO, Part Two

By Brett Fox | January 20, 2021

Being a great startup CEO requires you have certain skills. The good news is that being a great startup CEO doesn’t mean you have to extroverted. It also doesn’t mean you have to be introverted. In this video, I’ll go over numbers six through ten of my list of ten traits of great startup CEOs.…

What Happens When Your Investors Give Up?

By Brett Fox | January 19, 2021

“Their lawyer said, ‘We (“Donald Ventures”) no longer believe in the company.’” Marcia, our attorney said to me. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] “Okay, that’s not a surprise,” I responded. Then, before I could say anything else, Marcia said, “I told her (Donald’s lawyer) ‘We have a…

Are You Guaranteed A Big Exit If You Take VC Funding?

By Brett Fox | January 18, 2021

I love the movie, “The Social Network.” I think it’s kind of like The Godfather, but for startups instead. What do I mean by this? There are so many memorable lines and takes in both movies. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] In The Godfather, you have, “Leave…

What Makes A Great Startup CEO, Part One

By Brett Fox | January 13, 2021

Being a great startup CEO requires you have certain skills. The good news is that being a great startup CEO doesn’t mean you have to extroverted. It also doesn’t mean you have to be introverted. In this video, I’ll go over the first five of my list of ten traits of great startup CEOs. Next…

Can You Get Funding With Just An Academic Background?

By Brett Fox | January 12, 2021

“Would you mind meeting with me, so I can pick your brain?” That was the LinkedIn message I received from “William,” the CEO of an unfunded semiconductor startup in the Bay Area. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] I had sold my company six months previously, and I…

How Do You Win Deals When You’re Just Starting Out?

By Brett Fox | January 11, 2021

“I want us to look big,” I said to Regis McKenna. Regis is a legendary Silicon Valley marketer who has worked with Apple (their first PC launch) and Intel (their first microprocessor launch. He was an advisor to one of my investors (Gill), and he had worked previously with my other investor (Raul). [Do you…

How Do You Divide Equity?

By Brett Fox | December 30, 2020

How do you divide equity between co-founders? This is my definitive guide to splitting equity. I’ll cover everything to do with equity splits in this video. There are 8 different topics regarding equity we will talk about. So grab a pen and some paper to take notes. The bottom line is you do two things:…

How Many Startups Can You Run At Once?

By Brett Fox | December 28, 2020

“I’m managing three companies,” “Jason” said to me. It was our first conversation, and warning lights started going off. “Tell me about the three companies?” I said. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] Jason said, “The first company is a software company which is doing about $5 million…

Are You Ready To Hire A Sales VP?

By Brett Fox | December 23, 2020

Of all the hires you make as a startup CEO, hiring a VP Sales will likely be the most challenging. That’s what we’ll explore in this video. I’ll walk you through the all the issues you’re going to face hiring your VP Sales, and I’ll give you tips to solve these problems too. Plus, stick…