How Do You Get Your Customers To Buy Again and Again?

By Brett Fox | March 8, 2021

“Brett, Tony Hsieh died,” Blossom said to me. “What?” I was just waking up, and this news wasn’t registering with me. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. “Tony Hsieh died. I know you really liked him,” my wife said to me. “How?” “The house he was staying at…

What’s A Waterfall Chart And Why You Need It

By Brett Fox | March 3, 2021

Waterfall charts are an essential tool for making it really easy for your audience, be it your board of directors or your team, to easily understand how a various part of your company is performing. Yet, most people have never created, or even heard of a waterfall chart. In today’s video, I’m going to teach…

What Are The Five Rules To Getting Your Company Funded?

By Brett Fox | March 2, 2021

“Man, you’re living a charmed life right now,” I said to “Ray,” the CEO of a very hot startup I’ve been working with. “Thirty minutes and he’s (an investor) going to give you $75 million!” I shook my head in disbelief. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. “It…

How Do You Manage Your Board Of Directors?

By Brett Fox | February 24, 2021

Once your startup has investors, you’re likely going to hear somebody tell you, “You need to learn how to manage your Board of Directors.” It sounds great, doesn’t it? But how do you actually do this? And what does managing your board actually mean? It’s actually quite easy. I’ll break it down for you in…

Why You Should Hire Experienced Engineers

By Brett Fox | February 23, 2021

“I want to join your company Brett, but I have conditions,” Greg, one of top ten engineers on the planet in my industry said to me. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] I smiled. Then I said, “Okay, what are your conditions?” “Well, there’s really only one condition…

How Do You Fix Your Co-Founder Problems

By Brett Fox | February 17, 2021

Sixty percent of all co-founder relationships end in failure.  It’s a huge issue that just about every startup CEO has to deal with. In this video, I go through the nine issues you’re going to have to deal with when you have a co-founder that’s not working out.  You’ll definitely want to stick around to…

The Single Biggest Reason Startups Succeed

By Brett Fox | February 10, 2021

Every startup CEO wants to know secret, the key to the vault of how to make their startup successful. Venture Capitalists will tell you that your choice of market is the key to your success. Well, I’m here to tell you that VCs are wrong. In this video, I’ll go deep and explain exactly what…

What Are The Challenges When You’re Getting Started?

By Brett Fox | February 8, 2021

“I just want to be able to breathe,” I said to Irwin and Winston, two VCs I was meeting with as I began raising our Series B funding. The second I uttered those words, I wanted them back. I thought my words exposed my inner feelings, but Irwin and Winston just moved on with the…

What Are The 12 Killer Mistakes You Can’t Make, Part 2

By Brett Fox | February 3, 2021

As the old VC saying goes, “If you’re a first time CEO, you’re going to make mistakes.”  And, while I agree with that sentiment, I’d really like to help you avoid making as many mistakes, especially the ones of the killer variety. That’s what today’s video is all about.  It’s based on my experience making…

Should You Be Afraid To Tell Your Team Bad News?

By Brett Fox | February 2, 2021

“Tina, can you help me get all the VPs together? I need to meet with them right now. It’s urgent.” “Okay,” Tina said. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] “Have everyone, including you, meet me in the large conference room.” A few minutes later Jeroen, Adolfo, Dave, Shoba,…