How Should You Manage Your Time As A Startup CEO?

By Brett Fox | June 30, 2021

Time is the scarcest resource you have as a startup CEO. You can consistently work long hours and end up working on the wrong things.  And you never get that lost time back. In this video, I’ll share with you my tips for managing my time for optimum results.  We’ll cover schedule management, how to…

The Surefire Way You Build Loyalty As CEO

By Brett Fox | June 29, 2021

“When’s Jack coming in today?” I asked his co-founder, Bob. I had joined the startup about two months prior as the VP Marketing. It was 10:30AM on a Friday morning. I needed Jack’s approval on an offer I was about to make to a candidate. Jack, the CEO, was nowhere to be found. “I don’t…

How Do You Scale Your Startup?

By Brett Fox | June 28, 2021

“Tell me about the other executives?” I asked “Jason,” the CEO of a life sciences startup. “There aren’t any other executives. It’s just me. That’s why I wanted your help,” he said. “I’ve never scaled a business before.” That was almost four years ago. At the time, Jason’s revenue had just passed the $1 million…

How Do You Know What Investor Feedback Is Valuable?

By Brett Fox | June 16, 2021

You’re going to get tons of feedback from investors when you pitch your startup. The problem is, a lot of the feedback you get will lead you in the wrong direction, and actually hurt your chances of getting funded. So what are you, the CEO, supposed to do with the feedback you get? In today’s…

The 9 Tips You Need To Know Before Raising Your Series A

By Brett Fox | June 15, 2021

“Just visit ten investors,” my friend Dave said to me. “If no one is interested, then you should just move on.” Dave is a dear friend, a mentor, and, at the time, a VC. Usually his advice is spot on. However, this was one time I just couldn’t agree with his advice. “But you told…

What Is The Best Strategy For You To Impress Investors?

By Brett Fox | June 14, 2021

“You should have seen the look on Gill’s face,” Barry, the Chairman of the Board of my company said to me. He was telling me about sitting in on a pitch to our lead investor’s fund. “Gill gave me this look about five minutes into the pitch,” Barry said, laughing. “He just wanted this thing…

How Can You Make Your Pitch Stand Out?

By Brett Fox | June 9, 2021

Whether you realize it or not, you’re in a competing against hundreds of other startups, inside and outside your industry, for funding. So the question is how can you make your pitch stand out? In today’s video, I’ll share with you four tips that will help your pitch and pitch deck stand out from the…

Make It Easy For Investors To Understand Your Startup

By Brett Fox | June 2, 2021

It’s really tempting when you’re raising money to try and hide key issues and weaknesses about your company from potential investors. In a word, don’t. Because you’ll live to regret it if you do try and hide things from potential investors. Let me propose a different strategy. Instead, you should try and make it really…

The Tasks You Can’t Delegate As A Startup CEO

By Brett Fox | May 26, 2021

There are certain leadership tasks that you can’t delegate as CEO because they are too important. In fact, if you delegate this work to your team, then the odds of your startup failing dramatically increase. In today’s video, I’m going to explain why there are three jobs you can never delegate to your team, especially…

How Do You Really Get Useful Customer Feedback

By Brett Fox | May 25, 2021

There are some meetings that are so impactful that you never forget them, even 20 years later. And this throwaway meeting that Thomas and I had at Tellabs years ago definitely was one for the books. Thomas was the most senior applications engineer in my organization, and I really enjoyed meeting customers with him. Thomas…