What Types Of Startups Usually Succeed?

By Brett Fox | September 6, 2021

The first startup I ever invested in had great technology. In fact, it was clear to me the technology was great, but I wasn’t sure how good the CEO was. I decided to invest anyways, and the company failed about two years later. All I had left to show for my investment was a tax…

How Do You Keep Your Best Employees From Quitting?

By Brett Fox | September 2, 2021

I worked at two companies in the same industry that had very different views on how to treat their employees. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. The average time employees spent at the first company, Maxim Integrated Products, was over ten years. The average time employees spent at the second…

How Do You Build A Moat Around Your Startup?

By Brett Fox | September 1, 2021

Investors love asking startup CEOs what the barriers to entry are in your business. It’s a trick question because investors know very well what the barriers to entry are in your business. So, why do investors ask this question if they already know the answer to it? I’ll explain that to you in this video.…

How Can You Buy Back Your Equity?

By Brett Fox | August 30, 2021

“I have an early investor that wants to liquidate their investment,” “Steve” said to me. “That’s interesting,” I said. “Tell me more.” “They were an incubator we hooked up with. They just contacted me a couple of days ago. I don’t think they really care about the valuation. They just want to sell their share.”…

How Do You Get The Most Out Of Your Team?

By Brett Fox | August 18, 2021

Growing your startup means you have to grow your team.  But that’s just the start of scaling your startup. There’s a second important step that you have to master to effectively scale.  If you don’t implement your startup, your startup will not scale.  That’s what today’s video is all about.  I hope you like it.…

Adding Your Co-Founders To Your Board Is A Bad Idea

By Brett Fox | August 17, 2021

The doorbell rang. It was my co-founder, “Jim.” He was a few minutes early for our planning meeting with my other co-founder, “John.” I opened up the door to my house, and I smiled and said, “Hi Jim.” Jim looked like he had smoke coming out of his head. “I’m pissed!” He screamed a me.…

How Do You Know Your Startup Is Going To Win?

By Brett Fox | August 16, 2021

“If I can just find a great CTO or VP Engineering to be my co-founder I know my startup is going to work,” I said to myself before I started building my company. In fact, I knew even before Jeroen, who would become my co-founder and VP Engineering, joined the company that my startup was…

The Five Signs You’re Not Thinking Big Enough

By Brett Fox | August 8, 2021

“Why are you worried about selling your company?” I asked Fred. “You’re just getting started, and you’re worried about selling (your company)? That doesn’t feel good to me.” I had just met Fred, and I was trying to decide whether I was going to work with him. And, an entrepreneur who volunteers they are focused…

Can You Be A Successful CEO Without Taking Risks?

By Brett Fox | August 8, 2021

“I told “Ray” not to screw it up,” I said to my friend, “Aric”, at dinner. My family and I were in town, visiting colleges for Avery, so we took the opportunity to have dinner with Aric. Aric laughed. Four years earlier, Aric introduced me to Ray because he felt I could help Ray build…

Your Company Culture Starts With You

By Brett Fox | August 4, 2021

Of all the things that will influence the success of your startup, your company culture is at the top of the list. And, a successful company culture starts at the top with you, the CEO. In this video, I’ll describe the steps you can take to improve your startup company culture. Yes, it start with…