How Do You Decide Your Team’s Salary & Stock

By Brett Fox | November 23, 2021

“He needs to understand that asking for more equity is like pulling on a string,” I said to Adolfo, my co-founder and VP Marketing. We were reviewing what offer package we should give a potential employee, and Adolfo was indicating the applicant wanted more equity. “What do you mean, Brett?” Adolfo asked me. “Let me…

The 3 Advantages You Have As A Founding CEO

By Brett Fox | November 9, 2021

“Do you think I would be better off stepping down as CEO?” “Wayne”, a CEO I’m working with, said to me. “My investors are offering to make me Executive Chairman or CTO. Maybe I should take the offer?” “I think it’s a huge mistake for you to step down,” I said. “I know there are…

What’s The Right Number Of Co-founders?

By Brett Fox | November 8, 2021

The most successful startup I’m currently involved with is now worth $1.5 billion. They’re raising another $300 million as we speak, and they’ll likely be worth around $4 billion when the round closes. The company had one founder, “Ray.” The most successful company I’ve ever been in involved with was Maxim Integrated Products. I worked…

How Do You Manage A Board Of Directors Meeting?

By Brett Fox | November 3, 2021

You don’t know what to expect if you’ve never managed a Board of Directors meeting before. By the end of this video, you’re going to know exactly how to prepare for and manage your Board of Directors meetings. I know from my over 20 years of experience preparing, managing, and presenting to boards, that if…

What Are You Most Scared Of As CEO?

By Brett Fox | November 2, 2021

“You’re being myopic, Brett.” That’s what Jack Gifford, the founding CEO of Maxim Integrated Products, used to like to say to me when we disagreed on something. I’m sure there was a modicum of truth in Jack’s words, especially early in our time working together. However, Gifford would always tell me that! And Gifford, for…

7 Hiring Tips For Your Startup

By Brett Fox | November 1, 2021

“If you can’t recruit, then you can’t be a manager.” Jack Gifford, the founding CEO of Maxim Integrated Products, said that to his management team over and over again as he built Maxim into one of the most successful companies in its space. The key, as I look back on my experience working at Maxim,…

Is Peter Thiel Right That Competition Is For Losers?

By Brett Fox | October 27, 2021

Peter Thiel wrote in the Wall Street Journal in 2014 that “Competition Is For Losers.”  In other words, you can build a product that’s much better than anything else in the market that you don’t need to compete. That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it?  The question is Peter Thiel right?  I’ll give you my take…

How Do You Become The Next Elon Musk?

By Brett Fox | October 26, 2021

Years ago, I was having coffee with my friend Alain, and somehow, we got on the subject of Elon Musk and Tesla. Alain, who was an original investor in Tesla, said, “Elon can simultaneously channel Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.” “That’s impressive,” I said. (You can watch Alain talk about Tesla and Elon here:) Think…

Do You Ever Regret Firing An Employee?

By Brett Fox | October 25, 2021

“What took you so long?” Every single time I’ve fired someone as CEO, someone on my team has asked me that question. Every. Single. Time. And, there’s a good reason I was asked that question. You see.. You, the CEO, almost always wait too long to fire someone. For example, I realized, about two months…

Your Co-Founder Wants To Be Co-CEO, Now What?

By Brett Fox | October 13, 2021

It’s surprisingly uncommon for your co-founder to want to be co-CEO with you. I had it happen to me, and I’ve had more than one CEO that I’ve worked with have a founder ask to be co-CEO. In this video, I’ll share my story and the story of “Bob”, a CEO I’m working with, of…