Why Great People Quit Startups

By Brett Fox | June 15, 2022

In the over 20 years I’ve been involved in startups, I’ve never seen the competition for top talent as tough as it is now. It doesn’t matter where your startup team is located, your best employees are being poached. And, if you don’t take preemptive action now, your best employees will leave. I’ve worked with…

Should You Grow As Fast As Your Investors Want?

By Brett Fox | June 14, 2022

“Don’t worry, Brett. We’ll support you,” “Raul”, one of our investors, said to me in our board of directors meeting. Raul wanted us to go faster than I had originally planned for. And Raul meant what he said. He was, in that moment, at that time, telling me that he would continue funding us when…

How Do You Get Multiple VCs Or Angels To Invest?

By Brett Fox | June 13, 2022

“I want to invest, but I’d like someone else to set the terms,” Bill, a VC interested in investing in our company, said to me. That’s great,” I said, standing up. Bill and I shook hands. “I’ll keep you posted on our progress.” We had just starting raising our Series A funding, and I was…

Does Your Startup Really Need A Board Of Directors?

By Brett Fox | June 7, 2022

One of the questions I get asked the most by early stage startup CEOs is, “I think I need a board of directors. What do you think?” In today’s video, I’ll answer all the questions you’re likely to have about startup boards including: What is an advisory board? What’s the difference between a board of…

Why You Should Obsolete Yourself To Succeed?

By Brett Fox | June 6, 2022

I’ve had a pretty simple goal ever since I first started managing teams years ago. My friends used to tell me I was crazy to have this thought process. Maybe my friends were right because it is a risky strategy. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. Yet, I…

How Should You Manage Your Startup’s Spending?

By Brett Fox | June 5, 2022

“Don’t worry, Brett. We’ll support you,” “Raul”, one of our investors, said to me in our board of directors meeting. Raul wanted us to go faster than I had originally planned for. And Raul meant what he said. He was, in that moment, at that time, telling me that he would continue funding us when…

Save Your Early Stage Startup In Three Simple Steps

By Brett Fox | June 1, 2022

The NASDAQ is down over 30% from its high. Interest rates are rising. It’s only inevitable that the economic environment is going to affect your early stage startup. How? Well, customers may not want to take a chance on buying from you because they’re worried you’re going to go out of business. Raising that next…

Should You Focus On Profits Or Providing Value First?

By Brett Fox | May 29, 2022

One of the greatest lessons I ever got in business was from my mom. She began her career as a successful writer. Then, when my brother and I entered middle school, my mom pivoted and began selling homes in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. My mom started by selling condominiums. Then she…

How Do You Keep Your Development Team On Schedule?

By Brett Fox | May 29, 2022

“My project is going to be delayed by one month,” Richard said to Jeroen, my co-founder and VP Engineering, in our weekly engineering review meeting. Jeroen went through the usual list of technical questions to understand what was causing the delay, and how likely it was that the project was only going to be delayed…

How Do Early Stage Startups Get Their First 10 Customers?

By Brett Fox | May 18, 2022

I am really excited to share with you how do early stage startups get their first 10 customers.  Now, your first 10 customers may not seem like a lot, but when you’re starting, and you have zero customers, 10 customers is a huge number. Over the past five years, I’ve worked directly with over one…