What’s The Right Way To Manage Your Startup’s Spending?

By Brett Fox | May 17, 2023

A surefire way to scare your investors and board members to death is to spend the cash you have too quickly on crazy things.  In fact, understanding your finances and incorrectly communicating your finances is a great way to get fired. Yet, too many startup CEOs don’t know their numbers and then make matters worse…

How Should You Keep Employees From Quitting

By Brett Fox | May 15, 2023

I was recently asked the question, “What should I do to keep an employee that has quit from leaving.” I was happy to answer the question because I have a perfect batting average as CEO of keeping employees from quitting. That’s right. 0.00%. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click…

What Should Your Startup Vesting Be?

By Brett Fox | May 10, 2023

You and your co-founder start your company, and you divide up the equity between you. It sounds simple enough, right. Then you raise money and your new investors demand you have a vesting schedule for your equity. So the question is are your investors right? Do you really need a vesting schedule for your equity?…

Can You Get Investors To Respond To Cold Emails?

By Brett Fox | May 9, 2023

When I was feeling really desperate (a common occurrence when I was raising our initial funding), I would build up a list of potential investors I had no way of getting a warm introduction to. You can learn how to develop a cold email that works too. Just follow these three steps:   Step 1:…

When Should Your Startup Raise Funding?

By Brett Fox | May 8, 2023

Most CEOs wait too long before they raise their seed funding or venture funding, which almost always results in their startups failing. I don’t want that to happen to you. In today’s video, I’m going to explain to you: Should you raise funding? What you’ll need to raise funding? Who you should raise money from?…

How The Blue Ocean Strategy Can Save Your Startup

By Brett Fox | May 3, 2023

With almost comic regularity startup CEOs make the wrong strategic mistake again and again.  That mistake is they choose the wrong strategy to enter the market, and, most of the time, their startup fails and they never recover. That’s where the Blue Ocean strategy comes in. In today’s video, I’ll explain the tragic mistake too…

Why You Should Interview Your First 50 Employees

By Brett Fox | May 1, 2023

There’s an old truism about that you, the CEO, should be spending at least fifty percent of your time recruiting. The reason recruiting is so important is your startup can’t grow unless you have great talent around you. That’s why I interviewed everyone we hired when we were just starting out.  It didn’t matter whether…

Increase Your Chances Of Success By 150%

By Brett Fox | April 26, 2023

The way you increase the chances of your early stage startup succeeding isn’t what you think it is. For example, it isn’t the quality of your idea. You may have a great idea for your startup. However, ideas aren’t worth anything if you can’t execute on them. In today’s video, I’m going to explain what…

Can You Build A $40M ARR Startup With Only $80K?

By Brett Fox | April 26, 2023

“It’s amazing what we’ve accomplished considering we started with $80,000,” “Jason,” the founding CEO of a company I’m working with, said. “Now, we’re preparing to sell the company for a lot of money.” Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. “Most people don’t get to the level you’ve gotten…

What Should You Never Say To An Investor?

By Brett Fox | April 24, 2023

There are some things you’ll never want to say to investors. You’re likely to think they’re smart, but, in the blink of an eye, you’ll have cost yourself a potential investment. Worse yet, you won’t even know why the investor said no. I don’t want that to happen to you. That’s why in today’s video,…